The Erasmus+ project "Reading". Introduction.
This project is a partnership between five countries: Romania, Turkey, Spain, Lithuanian and Bulgaria.We started this partnership in base of the following objectives: General objective - involving a minimum of 30 students and 6 teachers from every country in reading activities in order to develop the students reading skills, vocabulary and critical analyze during 2 years. Based on this general objective, we want to achieve the next specific objectives through this project grant:
O1: involving minimum 30 students of primary school and 6 teachers from every country in reading activities based on illustration during 5 months;
O2: promoting to a minimum of 30 students of primary school and 6 teachers, during 5 months, from every country, the reading styles in order to create books review sessions;
O3: creating a storybook from photos with a group of minimum 30 students of primary school and 6 teachers from every country in 5 months;
O4: promoting the necessity of reading through a campaign during 5 months, by visiting book houses and libraries with a group of 30 students from primary school and 6 teachers.