Vilniaus Sofijos Kovalevskajos progimnazija
Sofiya Kovalevskaya progymnasium of Vilnius city was derived from Sofiya Kovalevskaya secondary school, which was established in 1980. Since September the 1st, 2015 it was divided into Sofiya Kovalevskaya gymnasium and progynasium, which both are continuing to follow the best traditions of the school. Sofiya Kovalevskaya progymnasium is a modern, innovative, cooperative, initiative educational institution learning to adapt in the ever-changing world. The progymnasium ensures high quality education, enabling community members to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, responsibility and leadership. There are 24 classes in the progymnasium and 702 students that are taught by 86 teachers. The education in the progymnasium is based on common human values. Here are tought Catholic and Christian Orthodox religion disciplines, traditionally celebrated both Catholic and Christian Orthodox holidays. Students have opportunity to learn Russian, Lithuanian, English, German and French languages. In the progymnasium we focus not only on developing intellectual skills, but also on other important values in life. Reading and text comprehension is one of the most basic and important competences that students acquire in school. This skill is necessary for further professional development as well as participating in the social life, but not only that. This competence helps our students to develop personal, communicative competences, to form their personality and beyond all to experience the pleasure of reading. Therefore, it is paid a great deal of attention to the development of reading skills. Pupils are taught to recognize, i. e. differentiate fiction and non-fiction texts, understand the purpose of writing, topic, understand basic text structure, separate primary information from secondary, understand additional visual information. Also, it is important that students would be able to compare the information from several sources with their own experience, be able to clarify unknown concepts and words, be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, draw conclusions, summarise, appropriately react on the read text, evaluate (in regards of author’s ideas and presentation of them, the language used) and interpret it. The reading skills are being developed not only during language lessons, but also in history, geography, science and biology lessons. In the progymnasium quite often are organized meetings with writers, during which students’ stage and perform guest writers’ works, are held discussions and organized artistic readings. Much attention is devoted to creating a reading-friendly environment. In the library are held numerous lessons, events, short-time projects dedicated to reading and books.