Parvo osnovno uchilishte "Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodii"
First Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius " is one of the biggest schools in the Southwest region. There are 582 students from 1 to 7 grade and 51pedagogical specialists. Two headmasters assistants and the headmistress. The school has a pedagogical counselor, a speech therapist, a Resource teacher. We have a school library that continually strives to enrich. First Primary School "St. Kiril i Metodiy “is a school with an age-old tradition. Its 158-year history began in 1860, when the first independent building of the "St. Cyril and Methodius ". An advantage of the school is a full-time training organization with 12 clusters of comprehensive training for students from grades 1 - 6. For intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, psychological and physical development and support of each student in accordance with the age, necessity, ability and interest of the school and clubs of interest: Entrepreneurship, Sports. Our pupils win prizes at competitions and Olympiads in ICT, English, Arts, Robotics, Bulgarian languages, Nature studies, History. The only way to tackle the challenges facing. The First Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius”creates information about individuals who respect others, capable of working together, possessing key competences, charging lifetime costs, awareness of strengths and abilities to develop their activities. Develop as a tool for developing the institution to be in the process of developing and shaping an institutional institution to benefit from learning and learning outcomes. The aim of First Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius” is through the Erasmus+ project to improve the educational process, enhancing motivation for learning, exchanging experience and good practices across schools in Europe. The activities in the project are related to the professional improvement of the staff and the increase of the motivation for learning of our students; sense of effectiveness in the learning process; improving language and communication skills; improving teamwork. We need to develop our digital competences and intercultural skills through exchange of experience and good European practices.